Select Committee on European Union Written Evidence

Memorandum from the Brethren in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Sweden in response to House of Lords Paper 150-9/9/03


  1.  We are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is central to our way of life and we belong to a worldwide fellowship known as Brethren which includes citizens in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Sweden as well as in other Continents.

  2.  We are non political and do not vote and we seek to promote and pray for good government for all men.


We Support:

  3.  a Europe of sovereign nation states co-operating economically, commercially and in many other ways, which will be for the benefit of all its various citizens. For example the free movement of goods, services, persons and capital.

  4.  the Government's stand to maintain the status quo in relation to Social Policy. Christian employers have appreciated this country's sympathetic tolerance of christian conscience in areas of employment over many years.

  5.  and welcome the Government's stand to retain the veto in areas of defence, security, taxation, social security and foreign policy and strongly recommend that these "thick red lines" should be maintained against all odds. (Q10)

  6.  the UK's relations with the USA which are in danger of being undermined by increased European integration. Therefore the right of initiative on defence should remain with the member states. (Q20) We should be thankful that the USA has become a refuge and protector of religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide.

  7.  the Government's determination to prevent back door clauses being introduced such as the so called "passerelle clause" which would allow the Council to bypass the requirement of unanimity.

We believe that:

  8.  in spite of assurances we are afraid that the EU will develop into a federal superstate. It is well known that many issues that were resisted in past years are now incorporated into EU Treaties. We would welcome a written analysis from HMG of how the proposed constitution treaty differs from the existing EU treaties. (Q9)

  9.  the Constitution of Europe having primacy over each Member State will continue the erosion of national sovereignty.

  10.  the incorporation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights (Titles 3 and 4) into the Constitution could have the effect of circumventing the right of veto in certain social policy areas by developing ECJ case law leading to the introduction of the extension of collectivism already in position in many EU countries. This would be opposed to the direct master and servant relationship so clearly set out in scripture and would make it difficult, if not impossible, for many small businesses to offer employment.

  11.  God in his infinite wisdom and mercy confounded the language at Babel (Genesis 11) and brought in the boundaries of the nations (Deuteronomy 32) to limit excessive lawlessness and this principle applies to this day.

  12.  with the gospel spreading westward, countries with a constitution based on Christianity have clearly prospered. This Constitution ignores our Christian Heritage.

  13.  the proposal to have a long term President is a dangerous development in that there are not sufficient safeguards in the draft Constitution to prevent a charismatic incumbent from exceeding his mandate.

  14.  Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler, He is King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6 v 15), and only under His authority will there be unity.

  15.  the effort to combine the nations under an imperial head is a direct thrust against God and will pave the way for the appearance of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2).


  16.  After 50 years of a treaty based EU community of nation states, the adoption of the Constitution will result in further integration and loss of national sovereignty being agreed without the need of a further treaty.

  17.  Whilst the nation states of the EU have benefits from economic co-operation, further centralising of power and political union in Europe as envisaged in this Constitution is against God and will add to the existing confusion and will not work for the prosperity of persons living in Europe.

  18.  We pray that there will be restraint to this rush into European integration and that each national government will recognise its obligation before God (Romans 13).

J R Anderson,

C R Arnett,

K W Birch,

B K Hazell,

D R Pringle.

26 August 2003


  1.  We are believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is central to our way of life and we belong to a worldwide fellowship known as Brethren which includes citizens in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Sweden as well as in other Continents.

  2.  We are non political and do not vote and we seek to promote and pray for good government for all men.

  3.  Brethren in Denmark are grateful for the opportunity to express our support and concerns to the House of Lords over this radical move for a European Constitution.


We Support:

  4.  a Europe of sovereign nation states co-operating economically, commercially and in many ways, which will be for the benefit of all its various citizens. For example the free movement of goods, services, persons and capital.

  5.  the Government's stand to retain the veto in relation to Social Policy. Christian employers have appreciated this country's sympathetic tolerance of christian conscience in areas of employment over many years.

  6.  and welcome the Government's stand to retain the veto in areas of defence, security, taxation, social security and foreign policy and strongly recommend that this position is maintained against all odds.

  7.  the UK's relations with the USA which are in danger of being undermined by increased European integration. We should be thankful that the USA has become a refuge and protector of religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide.

  8.  the Government's determination to prevent back-door clauses being introduced such as the co called "passerelle clause" which would allow the Council to bypass the requirement of unanimity.

We believe that:

  9.  in spite of assurances, we are afraid that the EU will develop into a federal superstate. It is well known that many issues that were resisted in past years are now incorporated into EU Treaties.

  10.  the Constitution of Europe having primacy over each Member State will continue the erosion of national sovereignty.

  11.  the danger of the veeto on social policy not being maintained, could lead to the introduction here of the extension of collectivism already in position in many EU Countries. This would be opposed to the direct master and servant relationship so clearly set out in scripture and would make it difficult, if not impossible, for many small businesses to offer employment.

  12.  God in infinite wisdom and mercy confounded the language at Babel (Genesis 10) and brought in the boundaries of the nations (Deuteronomy 32) to limit excessive lawlessness and this principle applies to this day.

  13.  with The Gospel spreading westward, countries with a constitution based on Christianity have clearly prospered. This single state constitution will override this.

  14.  the effort to combine the nations under an imperial head is a direct thrust against God and will pave the way for the appearance of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2).

  15.    the proposal to have a long term President is a dangerous development in that there are not sufficient safeguards in the draft Constitution to prevent a charismatic incumbent from exceeding his mandate.

  16.  Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler, He is King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6 v 15), and only under His authority will there be true unity.


  17.  After 50 years of a treaty-based EU community of nation states, could the adoption of the Constitution result in a further integration and loss of national sovereignty being agreed without the need of a further treaty?

  18.  Is it legally or morally right to impose on a nation an over-riding Constitution which affectively reduces or nullifies the authority of that nation's own Constitution, which has evolved over centuries of painful experience from Magna Carta onwards.


  19.  Whilst the nation states of the EU have proved beneficial for Economic Co-operation, further centralising of power and political union in Europe as envisaged in this Constitution is against God and will add to the existing confusion and will not work for the prosperity of persons living in Europe.

  20.  We pray that each national government, as set up by God (Romans 13) and as custodians of the rights and liberties of the citizens, will recognise its obligations and will restrain this rush into European integration.

Raymond G Webb


Patrick A J Suckling


  1.  As French citizens, we appreciate the opportunity to submit evidence requested in paper HL 150.

  2.  We are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is central to our way of life and we belong to a worldwide fellowship known as Brethren which includes citizens in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Sweden as well as in other Continent.

  3.  We are non-political, do not vote and we seek to promote and pray for good government for all men.

  4.  We have a responsibility toward God as citizens of France and appreciate the UK stand on European matters. We have made representations to the President, government and MPs in France regarding sensitive issues with little response so far.

  5.  We support:

    —  economic co-operation which is for the benefit of all European citizens;

    —  measures taken to combat and eradicate terrorism;

    —  immigration control; and

    —  the fundamental freedoms including the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital.


  6.  The European laws and Constitution having primacy over national ones will accelerate the erosion of national sovereignty. To bring Europe closer to its citizens, the Protocol annexed to the Constitution should be upheld, ensuring the national parliaments maintain a decisive role in EU legislation.

  Although the word "federal" has been removed from the draft, the proposal of a long-term President as well as the massive extension of QMV will provide the Union with a further centralised power. The "passerelle" clause could virtually take away a nation's right of veto.

  We believe this is against God having placed government in the hands of nations (see Daniel 4 v 25).


  7.  The extension of QMV to the Defence Policy would be disastrous. A nation must have the means of deciding its destiny. What would have happened in the Iraq crisis if England had been tied to such nations as France or Germany? We do not support the attitude of France in that conflict.

  We rather dread the far-reaching consequences of England not being able to support America when needed, and support the common bond within NATO and the UN.

  We're thankful that the USA and the UK have protected religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide.


  8.  The strengthening of collective labour representations and the lack of christian conscience clauses clearly oppose the direct master and servant relationship set out in Scripture (Ephesians 6 v 5-9). We would urge the UK to maintain the existing balance within the Social Policy as set out in the treaty of European Union. We do not agree with any extension of QMV within this Policy area.

  9.  The effort to combine the nations under an imperial head is a direct thrust against God and will pave the way for the appearance of the man of sin who is the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2).

  Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler, He is King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6 v 15), and only under His authority will there be unity.

  10.  We pray that England will restrain this federal vortex and that each national government will recognise its obligation as set up by God (Romans 13).

Marc Bartolomei


Silvain Chareyre


Maurice Chastagnier


André Molines


Alphée Ruel


Silvain Teissonnie"re


21 August 2003

Convention on the Future of Europe

  We are writing to you as believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, belonging to a worldwide fellowship known as Brethren. This submission is made on behalf of Brethren in Germany. Our fellowship includes citizens in Britain, Denmark, France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Sweden as well as in other Continents. The Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is central to our way of life. We are non political and we do not vote. However, we pray for God's support for government, and are concerned that good government for all men should be promoted.

  We appreciate the opportunity to present our viewpoints as to the proposed EU Constitution to the European Select Committee of the House of Lords.


  1.  the economic and commercial co-operation between the sovereign nation states of Europe, and indeed the co-operation in many other areas advantageous to the member states and their citizens. These include the unrestricted movement of goods, capital, persons and services.

  2.  and appreciate the British government's committal to maintain the veto in relation to defence and foreign policy. We feel strongly that any efforts towards a common defence policy would endanger existing bilateral relations between member states and serve to further ostracise Europe from the USA. We feel humbled by the German government's attitude in regard to the Iraq crisis. We cannot forget the part that Britain and the USA played in liberating our country from Nazism, and that both countries are committed to protecting and maintaining religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide.

  3.  the British government's stand to retain the veto in other areas, such as taxation, social security, security and in relation to social policy. Christian employers here in Germany have noticed the way that Britain has sympathetically made provision for christian conscience in regard to employment over many years. We feel deeply that many of the negative features contained in the EU Social policy have originated in our country. We are appealing to our government that there should be no further restrictive tightening of social policy regulations through the proposed constitution, but rather that provision should be made for christian conscience and for small businesses.

  4.  every effort and committal to prevent the introduction of any clauses that would enable the requirement of unanimity to be bypassed, such as the "passerelle clause".


  5.  despite many assurances to allay any such fears, the EU will continue to develop into a federal superstate, which is not of God. Government is placed by God in the hands of the nations (Daniel 4:25). Postwar European history has already proved that many issues that were initially resisted have subsequently been incorporated into later EU treaties, often in a subtle way to avoid arousing attention.

  6.  the surrendering of national sovereignty is not of God. The national sovereignty of each state is a cardinal scriptural principle (Acts 17:26), and the Constitution of Europe having primacy over the laws of the nation states can only culminate in a further erosion of national sovereignty.

  7.  the British government must maintain its veto on the Social policy to restrain the furtherance of collectivism. Collectivism characterises our so-called German "labour model" and has severely weakened the German economy. The idea of Social Partners works against the direct master and servant relationship, which is fundamental to Christian employment principles (Ephesians 6:5-9). Collectivism if implemented, makes it very difficult for christian employers to offer employment.

  8.  as The Gospel has spread westward over the centuries, countries with a constitution based on christian principles have been prospered. The initiating of a single state Constitution clearly disregards these principles and will surely not be prospered.

  9.  the endeavour to establish a long term President will have far reaching repercussions. It will concentrate power in a non-democratically elected head of the EU, and the draft Constitution does not provide sufficient safeguards to prevent an ambitious President from exceeding his mandate. Ths history of our country should provide a solemn warning as to this danger. To combine the nations under an imperial head is a direct thrust against God, and paves the way for the man of sin to be revealed (2 Thessalonians 2). Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler (1 Timothy 6:15) and He alone is the King of kings and the Lord of lords (Revelation 17:14).

  10.  it was God's infinite wisdom and mercy that confounded the language of man at Babel (Genesis 11) and introduced the boundaries of the nations (Deuteronomy 32) to restrain lawlessness. These principles apply to this day and should be respected.


  11.  after 50 years of an EU community of nation states based on treaties, the proposed draft Constitution, although termed a constitutional treaty, if adopted, will facilitate the introduction of further steps towards increased political integration, resulting in the loss of national sovereignty, by obviating the need for further treaties.


  The co-operation of EU member states of an economical and commercial level is clearly beneficial, but the increased centralising of power and political integration in Europe as provided for in the proposed Constitution is obviously against God. It cannot work for the well-being and prosperity of Europe and its citizens.

  We pray that the British government will be strengthened to work as a restraining element in the effort to increase the speed of European integration. We also pray that each EU member state will retain its national sovereignty, and that the states don't get caught up in the vortex of federalism, and that each national government recognises its obligation as set up by God (Romans 13).

Jens Brusius


Christoph Burk


Jay Lynes


Bernhard Menn


  1.  As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in The Netherlands we, along with other Christians, known as Brethren in other European countries, as well as in other parts of the world, write to draw your attention to the following.

  2.  The Lords' Supper is central in our lives; we pray regularly for government, in private as well as collectively. Over the years we have made several appeals to our national government and European authorities regarding an inclusion of God's name and the Christian heritage in the constitutional documents, recognition of Christian conscience and respect for Christian employment relations.

  3.  With some fear we have noticed the following ongoing—European—developments:

  4.  The increase of (yet) another European level of administration which as all institutions tends to create its own goals, budgets, bureaucracy without sufficient democratic control (the democratic deficit), culminating in proposals of a long-term President.

  5.  The European institutions as an artificial man-made concept tend to increase their impact on areas as foreign affairs, defence, social security, employment and education which are best left to national governments, which are so much closer to their people and enjoy a far greater measure of democracy and support.

  6.  The principle of subsidiarity would give rise to the question: why should the centralist Europe do better than national governments?; the European co-operation is best left to the economical and financial fields which have proved to be beneficial.

  7.  The conscious deletion of any reference to God and Christendom in the constitutional documents combined with the concept of a powerful non-democratically elected head shows that recent European history has not been learned from: unequalled loss of liberty and bloodshed was caused by the two ideologies that consciously renounced Christianity: national-socialism and communism.

  8.  The distance between Europe and the United States should not increase.

  9.  In a letter of 7 August in reply to our request of 17 June last, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs have committed themselves to efforts on their side and of the Prime Minister, Mr J P Balkenende to have a reference to the Christian tradition included in the European preamble, also at the occasion of the next IGC.

  10.  The European nation that has most clearly held on to the biblical principle of national sovereignty, however, is Great Britain; we are therefore looking to the British government to continue to take a stand against further erosion of national sovereignty which will make way for the man of sin, for whom the Bible warns us (II Thessalonians 2:10,11).

  11.  We pray for our government and especially for the British government to exercise restraint before our countries are bound to the constitution proposals.

J C Suurmond


J P de Man


S F Suurmond


N Adrian


5 November 2003

  1.  we are the believers on the Lord Jesus Christ living in Ireland who along with christians known as Brethren in Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and other continents hold the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) as central to our lives.

  2.  although non-political, we believe in government as ordained of God and pray daily for all those in authority (Romans 13 v 1+2). We write to support the British government because of its alertness through its Scrutiny Committee to examine the implications of the proposed Constitution of Europe.


  3.  that this constitution, which paves the way for its own President and Foreign Affairs Minister, will override the national sovereignty of each Member State.

  4.  that this constitution is attempting to put a different variety of peoples, cultures and religions into a strait jacket as opposed to what God frustrated at Babel be confounding the language of the people (Genesis 11) and subsequently in setting the boundaries of the nations (Deuteronomy 32 v 8).

  5.  that this constitution is a further step in the forming of a superstate with an imperial head which will eventuate in the appearance of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2).

  6.  that this constitution may isolate Europe from the US whose support has been so essential at critical times in the history and which has consistently been a defender of religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide.

  7.  that this constitution leaves the risk of "back door" clauses being implemented such as article I 17 and article I 24 which could be exploited by pressure groups at a future date.

  8.  that the prosperity that christianity has brought to civilisation in the western world is in danger of being eroded by social policies which impinge on normal relationships which have been set up by God such as the master and servant relationship (Ephesians 6 v 5-9).

  9.  that the ability to co-operate economically and commercially with Member States should not necessarily require harmonising of sovereign political affairs.

  10.  We would encourage you to use this opportunity to influence Government to stand firmly against the subtle elements in this constitution and not to give up the veto in important areas of national government responsibility such as taxation, foreign affairs, social security, defence, employment and even education. Surely further erosion of national sovereignty will only add to the confusion and potential turmoil that will ensue from the giving up of what God has originated.

  11.  Finally, we appreciate this opportunity to associate ourselves with UK residents who are seeking to highlight these issues to you, while at the same time making similar approaches to our own national government.

Russell Brennan


David Joynt


Michael McMullan


27 August 2003

We are conscious that:

  1.  A united Europe will gradually become a federal superstate; in fact many issues that were resisted in the past have been surrendered and have become part of the EU Treaties.

  2.  The irrevocability and irreversibility of Community laws are at the heart of the EU and have primacy over the Member States; this leads to inevitable loss of national sovereignty.

  3.  The danger of the veto on social policy not being maintained could lead to the introduction in our countries of the extension of collectivism, already present in many European Nations. This would be opposed to the relationship between master and servant that is contemplated in Scriptures, making it very difficult for many small businesses to offer employment.

  4.  The confounding of the language at Babel (Genesis 10) and the setting of boundaries of the nations (Deutoronomy 32), was used of God in His wisdom and mercy to limit excessive lawlessness and this principle is still valid to this day.

  5.  The nations where The Gospel has spread, with a constitution based on Christianity, have clearly prospered. This single state constitution will override this.

  6.  The effort to combine the nations under an imperial head is a direct thrust against God, and will pave the way for the appearance of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2).

  7.  To have a President of the EU with a long term mandate is very dangerous, in fact not there being sufficient safeguards in the draft Constitution to prevent it, a charismatic incumbent might exceed his mandate!

  8.  Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler, He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 Timothy 6 v 15), and only under His authority there will be unity.


  Whilst the nation states of the EU have proved beneficial Economy Co-operation, we believe that further centralising of power and political union in Europe as envisaged in this Constitution, is against God and will only add to the confusion already existing and will not work for the prosperity of persons living in Europe.

  We pray that there will be restraint to this rush into European integration, and that each national government will recognise its obligations as set up by Gog (Romans 13) and, therefore, not surrender to a European Superstate its own sovereignty and responsibility!

  We are Spanish citizens and we are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion) is central to our way of life and we belong to a worldwide fellowship known as Brethren. We are non political and do not vote but we seek to promote and pray for good government for all men and we do appreciate your invitation to submit our application to HL 150. We like to suport and strengthen the stand taken by the British Government.

  We are in support of:

  1.  The unity of the different nations state of Europe in co-operating economically, commercially and in many other ways without losing their sovereignty, for the benefit of all citizens.

  2.  Your Government retaining the veto over most of the Social Policy and providing for the Christian Conscience in this area. The lead in this connection could and should influence for good some of our countries where there isn't such a provision and that could lead to the closing of many of those little businesses.

  3.  Your Government retaining also the veto in matters of defence, taxation and foreign policy. If our country was attacked by the neighbour country, who would defend who? As to taxation what happens where there is a major evasion of it comparatively with UK? As to foreign policy how would Britain have kept the initiative in their endeavour to attack Iraq and therefore the islamic terrorism?

  4.  We are thankful that the UK keeps good relations with the USA, which has become a refuge and protector of religious freedom and christian conscience worldwide. This idea of Europe becoming an independent entity would destroy these links and undermine the co-operation with the USA and also the liberty of decision in difficult matters.

  5.  Your Government decision to prevent the "passarelle clause" and other similars, which seems to be only a trick to speed up the whole process towards the political unification of Europe with the loss of sovereignty of every country included.

  We accept that eventually the EU will become a federal superstate, and that, will pave the way for the appearance of the man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2 v 3-4). The whole idea is against God, as it is Him who "has set the boundaries of the nations" (Acts 17 v 26) and that confused the languages in Babel (Genesis 11 v 6-9). In His wisdom He used this way to restrain the extreme lawlessness of the human heart. Now the present endeavour is a thrust against what God has done, and the proposal to have a long term President will only speed up the path in this direction.

  Prophetically we know by the Scriptures that this will happen and that a superman will rise and deceive millions with his lies. But we know that Christ is the only true Imperial Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Timothy 6 v 15) and only under His authority will there be unity and prosperity.

  Our conclusions are:

  The Constitution of Europe will paralise many genuine and righteous committments of our nations and we will be obliged to follow one will, with the fast erosion of the national sovereignty. What will be the power of our national constitution once we have signed the European one?

  The whole prospect though carefully pictured to make it attractive is fully against God and will only work against the prosperity of European citizens.

  We pray and support for the Governments that will fulfill their responsibility in restraining and opposing such a rush into European integration.

Rubén Monclús

Marcus Bisbal

27 August 2003

  1.  The undersigned, being believers in the Lord Jesus Christ being God's Son and also the Saviour of the world, would like in a fews words to express our appreciation of the stand that the UK has taken in the past to retain her national sovereignty and right to act on her own conscience, over against running into a committal of relinquishing all her rights to act and speak out against what she thinks is not right. Although we are not all English citizens, we have it in common that we are Europeans and therefore take the liberty to address you, seeing that the effect of your stand will not only affect those in Britain, but will have a beneficial effect on others in Europe, who do not favour a Super Federal State of Europe.

  2.  Besides the word stated in the Bible, where God confounded the languages of the various peoples and brought in the boundaries of the nations (see Genesis 10 and Deuteronomy 32) all in view of limiting excessive lawlessness, the history of Europe gives us a frightening review of evil men, that have sought to gain dominance over Europe by force, and largely thanks to British influence and preparedness not to succumb, these forces have not prevailed, and other nations have reaped the benign fruits of Britain stand not to give in.

  3.  We are also thankful that Britain is taking a reserved attitude towards the Article III-104 and the rights it gives to the Social Parties. Having lived in a country, where many of these suggestions have been established for many years and also are contrary to a christian conscience, the result has been that our government has elevated the decisions made by the Social Parties to become virtually law, and therefore anyone, who for some reason may not desire to succumb to them, have been ostracized by the Social Parties, with no protection from the government against unfair treatment from these parties, with whom one desires to have nothing to do. Their right to use any intimidating measures against anyone opposing them has resulted in businesses not being able to be conducted on sound business principles. There are one or two cases where companies have taken the matter of ECJ, but with a saddening and disheartening outcome of so called justice.

  4.  This letter is written on behalf of a number of us who gather for christian fellowship in a similar way to many in your country.

Phil Clarke

Jarl Lidbeck

Werner Åkesson

Ekki Pfeiffer

20 August 2003

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