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House of Lords
Session 2001-02
Publications on the internet
Animals In Scientific Procedures Committee Publications

Animals In Scientific Procedures -  Report

Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Lords to be printed 16 July 2002.



APPENDIX 1: Membership and Declarations of Interest

APPENDIX 2: Terms of Reference

APPENDIX 3: Committee Visits

APPENDIX 4: Conference Proceedings, 21 May 2002

APPENDIX 5: List of Witnesses

APPENDIX 6: Glossary


The evidence received by the Committee is published in two separate volumes—Volume II: Oral Evidence (HL 150-II) and Volume III: Written Evidence (HL 150-III).

In the text of the report:

Q.refers to a question in the oral evidence;
p.refers to a page in the written evidence; and
para.refers to a paragraph number in this report.

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