Companion to the Standing Orders and guide to the Proceedings of the House of Lords


7.221  When a bill is passed by the House in which it has been introduced, a fair print of the bill, incorporating all the amendments made by that House, is made. This is called the House bill and it is then sent to the other House accompanied by a message seeking that House's agreement to it. Any amendments made in either House in the subsequent passage of the Bill are marked into the House bill, which is then returned to the other House with a further message. The House bill constitutes the formal record of what each House has done in respect of a bill and is the authority on which each House prints the text of a bill or any amendments brought from or made by the other. The House bill also provides the authority for the text of a bill when it is published as an Act.

7.222  Each time a bill is sent from one House to the other the House bill is endorsed by the Clerk of that House with the appropriate formula in Norman French, as follows:

Lords bill sent to Commons

7.223  The Clerk of the Parliaments signs the bill and writes on it "Soit baillé aux Communes."

Lords bill agreed to by Commons without amendment

7.224  The Clerk of the House of Commons writes on the bill "A ceste Bille les Communes sont assentus."

Lords bill agreed to by Commons with amendments

7.225  The Clerk of the House of Commons writes on the bill "A ceste Bille avecque des Amendemens (or avecque une Amendement) les Communes sont assentus."

Commons amendments to Lords bill agreed to with amendments

7.226  The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Amendement (or ces Amendemens) avecque une Amendement (or des Amendemens) les Seigneurs sont assentus."

Disagreement with the Commons

7.227  The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "Ceste Bille est remise aux Communes avecque des Raisons (or une Raison)."

Commons bill sent to Lords

7.228  The Clerk of the House of Commons signs the bill and writes on it "Soit baillé aux Seigneurs."

Commons bill returned with amendments

7.229  The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Bille avecque des Amendemens (or une Amendement) les Seigneurs sont assentus."

Supply bill returned to Commons agreed pending Royal Assent by Commission

7.230  The Clerk of the Parliaments writes on the bill "A ceste Bille les Seigneurs sont assentus."

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