Select Committee on Work and Pensions Written Evidence

Supplementary memorandum by Computer Weekly (SC13A)

  At a hearing of the subcommittee on 23 February 2004, Miss Begg (Q233) asked: "At what stage should we be deciding this has gone on too long and is not working? Let's abandon it and go for something else. Should we be thinking along those lines with regard to the CSA?"

  I suggested that an independent audit of the management and technical aspects of the project would give the committee a good understanding the issues. Such an independent audit was carried out, for Parliamentary purposes, on a delayed £337 million project to build new air traffic control systems at the Swanwick New En Route Centre in Hampshire. The audit had been requested by the Transport committee in 1998. The auditor, Arthur D Little was appointed as a result of a competitive tender, and its report provided a thorough analysis of the weaknesses in culture, management and accountability which contributed to the late running and high additional spending costs on the project. It is rare for such a report to come into the public domain. I said that in my view the audits on the air traffic control project had led to the system successfully being retrieved and going live.

  Miss Begg then said: "That was two years before it went live. This is now a year after it (CSA's new system) was meant to go live."

  I made no specific comment on Miss Begg's point, which perhaps suggested that the report by Arthur D Little was commissioned in very different circumstances to those that prevail now over the new child support system (C52). In fact there is a parallel.

  When the report by Arthur D Little was published, in 1999, the air traffic control system at Swanwick was about three years late. Originally it was due to go live in


  The report led to many changes in the way the project was run and led also to a strengthening in the processes of accountability. Perhaps these improvements contributed to the system going live in January 2002.

Tony Collins

March 2004

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